Question Copy a home-made DVD to the computer's HDD ?

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Oct 4, 2013
I am trying to copy a home-made DVD to my PC's HDD as a backup.
The DVD has two files : Video RM and Video TS.

I tried copying them to my Windows10 PC. One of them copied OK, although taking a long time, the other (I don't remember which) copied all except one. The one that would not copy had an icon for Vidoelan in front of it. While the program is on my computer I want to take the copied files and burn them with Media Player and Media Player says "select the files" to burn. So I have to get them from my DVD drive to the desktop to select them. My problem is how to successfully copy the entirety of these files so I can then burn them with Media Player?
Use imgburn to copy the whole DVD as a single img file to your hard drive, if this fails then your DVD has issues, you could try cleaning it or find someone that does resurface on DVDs. (Long reading times=issues with the surface)
You can use the same program to write the img file back to a new DVD.
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Oct 4, 2013
The box that can be checked to receive an email notice when a reply has been made. I went back to the post after a day or two because I had NOT received a notice. There WAS a reply in the forum


Oct 4, 2013
Use imgburn to copy the whole DVD as a single img file to your hard drive, if this fails then your DVD has issues, you could try cleaning it or find someone that does resurface on DVDs. (Long reading times=issues with the surface)
You can use the same program to write the img file back to a new DVD.
Just checked IMGBurn site and Windows 10 is not included among the options.
Just checked IMGBurn site and Windows 10 is not included among the options.
It's a one size fits all installer.
ImgBurn supports all the Microsoft Windows OS's - Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT4, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 (including all the 64-bit versions). If you use Wine, it should also run on Linux and other x86-based Unixes.
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