Copy File from Hard Disk Drive to Another Hard disk Drive

Sep 24, 2018
Hello Everyone,

I have a Desktop with Windows 7 (64bit) Installed and a Laptop with Windows 7 (32bit) installed.

My problem is how can i copy my files from my Desktop to my Laptop?

I mean not the whole OS but just the files, game files and program files.

these files are large to transfer via USB, so i think i have to make it by HDD to HDD copy.

Please help me step by step.

Thank you very much in advance.
Setup a network share and copy over network directly. Using a USB 3 or eSATA drive won't take a huge amount of time.

If you want do copy from disk to disk, remove the drive from the laptop, plug it in the Desktop system and copy the files to the drive you want.

You won't be able to just copy installed programs, they won't work for the most part since they often need files copied in several areas you may not know about as well as needing to register .dll files and configure registry entries.
Setup a network share and copy over network directly. Using a USB 3 or eSATA drive won't take a huge amount of time.

If you want do copy from disk to disk, remove the drive from the laptop, plug it in the Desktop system and copy the files to the drive you want.

You won't be able to just copy installed programs, they won't work for the most part since they often need files copied in several areas you may not know about as well as needing to register .dll files and configure registry entries.