I have a NAS Thecus 5500 http://www.thecus.com/product.php?PROD_ID=22 with a JBOD 4TB drive EXT4 which I am copying through windows 10 Workstation i7 16GB to a NAS Thecus 6850 http://www.thecus.com/product.php?PROD_ID=71 with 6 x 4TB RAID 5 btrfs. It is through a 1000 ethernet connection. The files are iTunes device backups which are lots of small files. The copy begins fast due to cache at about 50 MB/s then it slows to 500 kb/s. I know there are other copying methods and I know small files slow the process. However is there something about btrfs or maybe something else that slows it down so much in this case? Thanks