core 2 due

LovelyKind Mero

Jun 26, 2014
My processor is Intel core 2 due e7500 2.93 GHz (2cpus) my computer read it on properties Intel core 2 due e7500 2.93 GHz 1.47Ghz ... why 1.47Ghz ? my motherboard gigabyte g41
If you would tell us what utility is displaying these speeds, or add a screenshot, we could be more sure.
My first guess is that the chip runs up to 2.93 GHz but, because your system is not under load when you read these properties, it's throttled down to 1.47 GHz. If it's not working hard, why not throttle it down and save energy and heat?

but it's make my pc slow .. and it was better than that .. may be power supply make it down ?