Core 2 Quad vs XEON gaming build


Oct 26, 2014
Okay, so for starters, I'm trying to spend as little money as possible. My friend is giving me an older machine (2008) and I want to turn it into a cheap gaming rig.

I've found a Radeon 7850 on ebay for about $100.

What I'm really wondering about is what cpu I should get. It's a lga775 socket, so it has to be older.

I've found this:

and more interestingly this:

is there any reason to NOT get the xeon x3350?

Does anyone else know of a better option?

I'll be getting the MOBO and RAM from the older machine (desktop, not server).

Thanks in advance. :)

Edit: Just to clear it up, I know I'll need a heavier psu as well, found a corsair 430w for $19 after a rebate.
DO NOT GET THE XEON!! That's a mod for LGA 775, aka a wreck that won't work unless your board supports the 1333mhz FSB and you are comfortable modding your BIOS. Get the Core 2 Quad for shore. The price is excellent, and it should be compatible. But if your PC is OEM, make sure the VRM supports the Quad, and your BIOS does too.
Xeons microcode is not setup of encoding and calculation, it's intended for raw data processing. The Core two quad will destroy a Xeon at gaming, for managing data bases and compressing data the Xeon will make the Core 2 seem useless.

Okay, I got the PC, but I've noticed a few issues:

1. It's a vostro 200, and I found this:

So I found a core2 duo E8500 for $16 on ebay... Not nearly as good as the core2 quad Q9400 but... about the best that motherboard can get I guess.

2. I didn't have quite as much money as I thought, so I was going to scale down the gpu a bit. I found this:

Any thoughts on that gpu?

Also... I've read that you basically need a quad core (or hyper threading) to get a decent frame rate in demanding games these days... is the E8500 just gonna choke?

I don't have much experience but i own a e7500 which is like e8500 but slightly worse i think, and next gen games lag a bit, for instance watch dogs i experience stuttering but again that might be due to the game's optimization,
Planetside 2 that has thousand players online at the same time i experience lags there as well,
If todays games arent open world like gta v or watch dogs, and not massive online like bf4 or planetside 2 then your cpu can handle them otherwise you will experience lags and stuff, sometimes less sometimes more depenting on how well the game was made for pc.

I also want to change to core 2 quad and im looking on ebay 😛