core i5-2300+GTX 960 2gb

User abc

May 2, 2017
Will it be a better combination of i5-2300 @ 2.8ghz with GIGABYTE GTX 960 2gb?Will there b a chance of cpu bottleneck?
Beyond a CPU bottleneck, you might face the issue where your motherboard lacks the proper UEFI BIOS environment for the new GPU to function. Might I ask what your full system's specs are? On another note, are you thinking about 1080p gaming? If so you're going to have to fiddle around with in game settings to achieve best possible combination of eye candy and performance.
Beyond a CPU bottleneck, you might face the issue where your motherboard lacks the proper UEFI BIOS environment for the new GPU to function. Might I ask what your full system's specs are? On another note, are you thinking about 1080p gaming? If so you're going to have to fiddle around with in game settings to achieve best possible combination of eye candy and performance.