Core Speed on Ryzen 5 1600 messing up


Jun 7, 2017
Before today i had a 3.8GHz OC on my Ryzen 5 1600 at 1.2375v, which was stable for the last few months. But just today while playing Planetside 2 I noticed some choppiness and looked at task manager to see the performance. My CPU was clocked at 3.8 under Base Speed, but under the "Speed" text it fluctuates between 3.2-3.7GHz.(Seems to gradually get slower the longer the PC is on.) I then looked at CPUz and observed that my core speed fluctuates between 3398MHz and 3697Mhz, with the multiplier fluctuating at the same speeds.(This now seems to be resolved, setting at between 3797-3799MHz, with the Multiplier at 38).Restarted the PC to look at BIOS number and it said it was still clocked at 3.8GHz. Also just noticed that when trying to open Ryzen Master to check CPU speeds, it blacks out my screen without a PC restart. Throughout trying to figure out these problems, ive gotten a few weird Windows startup errors such as "Invalid login or password" before i even get to the login screen, and just a regular "Windows did not start properly" error screen. I might mention that i just installed a brand new GTX 1060 6gb yesterday. This mightve started happening before then but i only noticed it today.
That seems an unusually high overclock for that voltage, are you sure it was completely stable before? It may not have been and only just finding problems with a specific type of load. I'd expect closer to 1.3-1.35v at 3.8GHz. Start upping the voltage, see if your clockspeed stabilises .

Well atleast I thought it was stable. I even have an earlier thread on here when i first OCd asking if my CPU and RAM volages were ok and a guy said they were good. For instance on Afterburner on the monitoring screen it shows 3800MHz constant, but on task manager it still has that unstable speed. But i will try increasing the V and see if i can get 3.8 to show on task manager.

"CPU/Ram Voltage Safeness" is the thread name if you want to check it out.
Ok just increased the V to 1.3 on the CPU and now im back to the old problem where task manage isnt even showing 3.8 anymore, just the stock 3.2 base with speeds dipping into the 2.xx. Afterburner is showing 3.4GHz-3.7GHz flucuations as well as CPUz

Ryzen Master isnt launchable since it crashes my PC whenever i open it, but on HWMonitor it stayed at a steady 3798-3799MHz throughout Cinebench.

So it's fixed? or you want it to stay at that clock rate all the time?
If it's fixed you can try testing then taking voltage down a notch then test again and repeat to find your best voltage, or just leave it as is, whatever.
If you want it to stay at 3.8 all the time you would need to disable AMD cool n quiet in the bios, that downclocks the processor when idle to save power and lower heat.

I guess its fixed yea, just dont understand these changes to start occuring all of the sudden though. All my software was showing low clock speeds when they are usually locked at 3.8GHz. I already had Cool n Quiet disabled, thats why i was wondering why this was all happening. But thanks for the help man, everything seems to be going good now.