Corrupt Music Library


Apr 27, 2016
As the title says, my music library has become corrupt, and after going through all the standard fixes(reinstalling,deleting media cache...) to no avail I decided to come here for some help.
I'm running windows 7 64 bit
MSI 970 gaming
AMD 8320 at 4.5ghz
16gb ddr3 ram
if any of my hardware actually matters lol

I suppose I should mention it all started with a faulty torrent that turned out to be a virus. I've ran my 3 cleaners I use and dont believe I have a virus anymore but no matter what I do or which media player I use I still get the error that the codex can't be read. My troubleshooter says I have a corrupt media library(obviously) but can't fix the problem. Any help or input at this point would be greatly appreciated
Thanks for the input, but as I said, I've already tried both of those fixes to no avail. Media player still skips over all my songs and says the player might not support the codec used. Yes I've tried foobar which just gives me and "unrecoverable playback error." VLC on the other hand actually opens the track and shows album art but never actually begins to play the song. This makes me think it is the media files themselves, but I noticed when I tried listening to a cd a just ripped, so how would that have gotten corrupt except when it was put in my music folder?