Corrupted and Undetectable Flash Drive


Sep 4, 2014
Hey everyone,
So my 32GB USB3.0 Kingston flash drive just got corrupted (some file and folders had random symbols for names and the rest couldn't open and got a corrupted error) and after I switched ports, neither my laptop nor desktop can read it in any port. My Desktop is running Windows 8.1 Pro and my Laptop is running Windows 7.

If I go to Devices and Printers, I can see my flash drive, but there is not way to access it. I also tried using the command prompt to repair it (chkdsk h: /r) but I get a Cannot Open Volume For Direct Access error.

Is there any way that I can recover my files without formatting then using recovery software? I'm scared that if I format I may not recover as many files as if I didn't format.

Thanks for the suggestion, but these programs will not work on my corrupted flash drive because its not detectable. That is it does not show up in MY COMPUTER.