Question corrupted Hardrive?

Mar 21, 2019
so i was playing minecraft(pc game)when all of the sudden my froze completly i had to make an cold reboot(i think its called so)after the booting
my pc reproted an I/O error.
(with an code wich i dont remember)
i got this error before and fixed it using testdisk (systemrescueCD on an bootable USB).
( the second MBR was corrupted the program wrote the main MBR Code to the second )
i did the same thing but the MBR was alright and the hardisk structure was ok.
the disk is unmountable on the systemrescueCD operating system ERROR:mount point not found.
i dont have a windows install disk
is there a way to extract the license key so i can download an window image?
System specs:
CPU:Amd athlon x2
Motherboard:GIGABYTE GS-M56S-S3 Dual chanel DDR2
Hard drive :SAMSUNG HD502HJ 500,00GB
Graphics card:XFX with passive cooling
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