Corsair 200R advice


Aug 2, 2013

I'm looking to build a new system and was looking at some cheaper cases so I can afford some more expensive components. The Corsair 200R looks like it's really good value for money, but I'm worried that it has a very open top (where you can add extra fans) that a lot of dust can get into.

Do you guys think this is a problem? I'm not planning on buying any fans to put in there


I'm in the UK. The 200R is ~ £45 and 300R ~ £60

Is the 300R that much better?

The 300R also has the holes in the top

Yes, it is that much better. Why? Cooling? Compare the 400W 12V case fans table:

And the 300R is quieter. Win win in my book. I love this case.

I installed one top fan. And one more front fan. Now my season has incredible air flow and decent acoustics.