Corsair 350d fan mount problem

Radyan Nugroho

Aug 19, 2014
Hi, i have a new corsair 350d and i just want to know how do i mount a fan on the top of the case w/o buying a radiator heatsink?? well im trying to move the front intake fan 140mm from corsair to the top of the case. but it can't mounted! i dont know why! so now i just put it back to the front

i want an advice what fan should i buy for 1 exhaust fan at the top? can anyone suggest me? please help
You said this i just want to know how do i mount a fan on the top of the case w/o buying a radiator heatsink as well as this i want an advice what fan should i buy for 1 exhaust fan at the top and im trying to move the front intake fan 140mm from corsair to the top of the case. but it can't mounted

You said you wanted to move a 140mm fan from the front to the top, nothing about a 120mm fan.

If you want a recommendation for 120mm fans to mount in the top of your case, I suggest a pair of Corsair 120mm AF (Quiets if you prefer) configured as exhausts, or a pair of Corsair 120mm SP s configured as Intakes if you want a positive pressure case.


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