Corsair 750d Fan Configuration


Dec 3, 2013
Hey guys, I've recently picked out a new case, the corsair 750d to build a new rig. I've heard of a few airflow problems with this case unfortunately, it looks like a beauty :). I could use some help setting up some fans in the case. It's got two intake fans already installed in the front, and one exhaust at the rear. Any suggestions guys? I don't know where to begin 😛 Also, I plan to use the corsair AF120 Quiet edition fans....four of them. May be loud
Doesn't the case support two 140mm in the front?
if it does, you should get the AF140's for the front instead of the AF120's, probably still need 120 for the rear i assume?
Bigger fans, better airflow.

if you have a couple of HDD's in the HDD cage, then it's actually worth getting the SP's for the front instead of AF's, because of the dust filter, HDD cage and HDD's interuptiong the airflow.

if the HDD cage is removable then always remove it if you doesn't use it, it's interruping airflow and removing it helps a bit.

Hope some of this is useful for you 😉

EDIT: having many fans doesn't mean it's loud, more fans means each fan can run at a lower speed still achieving the same airflow as less fans, and therefore 5 fans can be...
Doesn't the case support two 140mm in the front?
if it does, you should get the AF140's for the front instead of the AF120's, probably still need 120 for the rear i assume?
Bigger fans, better airflow.

if you have a couple of HDD's in the HDD cage, then it's actually worth getting the SP's for the front instead of AF's, because of the dust filter, HDD cage and HDD's interuptiong the airflow.

if the HDD cage is removable then always remove it if you doesn't use it, it's interruping airflow and removing it helps a bit.

Hope some of this is useful for you 😉

EDIT: having many fans doesn't mean it's loud, more fans means each fan can run at a lower speed still achieving the same airflow as less fans, and therefore 5 fans can be quieter than 3. Thats also why the whisper quiet watercooled pc's always have 7 if not more fans in their loops, to make them run very slow and quiet and still achieve great cooling.
I have the case:

Here it is from a few months ago while building it.

You need.

2 140's in the front < intake
2 140's in the top < exhaust
1 140 in the rear exhaust. < exhaust


I did find that helpful, thank you! Thank you to everyone that contributed :) I'll follow your advice.

Thanks for that man!

So did you use any of the default case fans and 2 extra fans or did you order an additional 5 fives?

I am only getting one HDD and SSD in my 750d, should I get One SP on the front?