I'm looking to get the Corsair Air 240 case, but my motherboard only has 1x 3 and 1x 4 pin fan connectors. I'll be getting some fan splitters, but I need to know what pins the inside fans are, to avoid wasting money. Despite my googling, all i know is that the fans are made by corsair, and are 120 mm. >.<
Watts used would also be awesome!
It seems like such a simple thing to find online... >.>
On the note of splitters/fans: what is PWM, and do these fans have it?
Thank you so much for your help!
Build is here if needed. http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Alanek2002/saved/9LCqqs
Watts used would also be awesome!
It seems like such a simple thing to find online... >.>
On the note of splitters/fans: what is PWM, and do these fans have it?
Thank you so much for your help!
Build is here if needed. http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Alanek2002/saved/9LCqqs