CORSAIR CARBIDE AIR 540 good case?


Aug 17, 2013
I really like the case, but it's a bit unconventional. Also, not many people seem to have it or many reviews on it. It's been out for a while. Is there something wrong with it? thanks
Ive seen several reviews, none gave it a bad rating. It really HASN'T been out that long, only a couple of months. One of my friends just ordered it and likes it. Had it released sooner I would have bought it myself.
For height and depth its a little less than a mid-tower, its just wider. Think about it, they only need room on the left side for the motherboard, anything that attaches by PCIe and a CPU cooler, so it doesnt have to be tall enough to fit a PSU below the mobo, and it doesnt have to be deep enough to fit storage or optical drives infront of the mobo, all of that stuff is in the section behind the motherboard. Basically its not that much larger than the motherboard, it just needs room for the cable routing from the back.
My buddy has one; and im sitting next to it as I type.

In my opinion; The air 540 is Corsairs attempt at making something both highly efficient and incredibly easy to use.
Everything is well thought out;(reguarding the hdd cages and rubber gromets).

My 410 is a good example of a mid tower; and while it is a smudge taller-it is not dwarfed what so ever by the 540 - due to the 540's waiste size; You'd think it was much wider than it actually is.
Of course this is my opinion - given that I work next to his computer alot; I guess you can say it has had time to grow on me/

I personaly like his case alot; although I feel an abundance in hardware warrants purchasing such a case....

Lasty; I LOVE being able to run push pull on the h100i so effortlessly with that case.
Get it!