Hi I got a question does anyone know of a way to get my PC which has a Asus Prime-x370 Pro motherboard and Corsair CMK16GX4M2Z3200C16 Vengeance LPX 16gb DDR4 ram to work together at 3200Mhz without having suffer from a BSOD? I can run the ram at 2666Mhz with no problem and no BSOD but as soon as the ram goes to 3200Mhz speak of the devil and the BSOD shall appear. I don't mind tweaking the Bios settings as long as someone can clue me in to what bios setting need to be tweaked. I am relatively new to owning a Ryzen based system so I have no idea what settings to tweak except on how to set the ram D.O.C.P Profile settings and upgrading the bios everything else is new to me. Thanks in advance for any and all help with my situation.