Hey guys,i really dont know how to describe my problem actually so this might be long.My Corsair CX650 makes a disturbing noise,but not really a fan noise but a humming like vibration noise?? I have a cheap case,i am thinking that might be the reason for this.But the strange thing is sometimes the noise just stops.Usually when i left the pc alone,but sometimes even when i am in the middle of a 3-4 hour gaming session.I really wanna understand the reason why noise goes away (maybe if i understand why, i can make it work without the noise all together.) As far as i know this psu doesnt have a clever fan system that will make it slower in idle and as i mentioned this happening during gaming pretty much eliminates this answer.So if anybody can help me find an answer,and maybe give some tips to make that humming noise go away i will really appreciate.Thank u!
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