Corsair Goes Head-to-Head With Silverstone With SF600 Series SFX PSUs

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i've owned an hx750 for almost 7 years and it's still going strong. it was one of the first consumer psu's labeled "gold". corsair makes good stuff.
Corsair does not make any of the PSU´s they sell so no Corsair does not make good stuff the OEM they hire does.
And some are MUCH better than others.
My CWT 850HX is still going strong, but it has a pretty easy life(only one a few hours most days).

Why are you repeating yourself? Though you are correct, you said this like 5 posts above 😛

And to put it in my own words best, it's best to judge the hunk-ol-a metal box and what's physically inside always rather than the OEM who assembled that hunk of metal.

Because he's Shilka and he doesn't feel fulfilled unless he's trolling.

Neh, in his first post he quotes someone, in the second he does not. But this is turning into more of a discussion than it should merit.
"All Japanese 105°C capacitors". they've told that lie before. a website like hardwaresecrets has to open it up to see what's actually in there

No, usually it'll say "Japanese capacitors" which does not mean "all Japanese capacitors". This time it does say "all", and I expect it to be all. This is not a budget CX lineup (which never claims all Japanese anyway), these are intended to be high-end SFX units.

And Hardwaresecrets hasn't done a PSU review for 3 years.
I won't believe that until I see it. they could put anything in there. they know consumers won't open it up because it will void the warranty.

Plus all Japanese isn't a necessity, especially in polymers. Chinese polymers will typically last longer than Japanese electrolytics.

apparently you know very little about electronics

When people resort to insults, I no longer argue with them, because they already lost.
Great news! About to do a new build and doing small form factor this time around. Excited to see a review compared to silverstone's 600watt sfx power supply. Would be interested in seeing a tear-down comparison too.
Probably a long shot, but will SilverStone's short cable set work with this Corsair SFX PSU? I'm ready to dump my SilverStone SX600 which constantly makes high-pitched and dive-bomb like noises.
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