Corsair H110i vs H115i. What are the differences ?


Nov 7, 2016

Seen that I can't find any accurate ( or at least any exhaustive ) answer to my question, can someone give me an hint on that ?

The only thing I see between this two coolers is the price and the version.

But I don' know if even in performances there is something that changes.


Thank you very much I'll take that one. They ship even to italy !!

But they're slightly different in what ? Noise ? Power ?

They're really identical..

Can you please link the 360 unit ?

And I saw that EK has a lot of solution for custom liquid cooling systems..! I would like to do that at this point ( maybe it's better and I will learn something ). Have you got some guides or hints ( You seem very prepared on the subject )
doing liquid for over a decade - guess it can be called prepared :)
Here are all predators.

Complete custom loop is expensive. mostly done for fun and looks as hobby. well, it also allows you to put high end HW into small cases. like overclocked i7+GTX 1080 into mini ITX case. If done right it also quite and of course cooler than air.

I like some EK parts, but generally I'd not use solely them as source for parts. For example I like fittings and radiators from other companies more.
If you want to make it as a project, we can take it to PM. will help you with planning the loop choosing parts.

Regarding guides.
There are quite a few channels about that on youtube .
* jayztwocents - have a complete series about what you might need.
* singularity computers - very advanced and expensive builds/loops
* dazmode - crazy canadian russian with low quility, but very informative and usefull content related to liquid

Thank you very much for all these infos !!

Definitely money ( I have some that I kept for pc tuning ) are not a problem right now.

The main problem is that I don't know what I may need and were to start 😀

If you could help me I'd really appreciate that a lot !
Obviously only if you have time and that this doesn't bother you :)