Corsair H80i / Overclocking FX-8320

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Deleted member 940608

Greetings -

About how far would I be able to push an FX-8320 with the Corsair H80i watercooler? For motherboard specifics, I'm using an Asus M5A78L/USB3 motherboard w/ 760G chipset. Some say that the cooler will hold up, but the motherboard won't. Any ideas?


It's not the CPU you need to worry about. As Blackbird said, that motherboard has terrible power and thermal design. You will fry that...

Well, I've got a Hyper 212 at the moment and I can run a steady 4.4GHz with no issues at all - stress tested with prime95 for 8 hours...

EDIT: While stress testing at 4.4GHz with prime95 the highest any of my cores has gotten is 54°C, socket reached 55°C. I researched a lot and found out the maximum 'safe' temperature advised by most overclockers and on AMD's support site is 62°C. Any ideas how I'm doing this?

It's not the CPU you need to worry about. As Blackbird said, that motherboard has terrible power and thermal design. You will fry that motherboard before your CPU will give out.

I imagine the VRMs are overheating or very close to it, it's only a matter of time before they fail. When they do, there is a good chance that other components will fail also (CPU, RAM, etc..).

If it were safe to overclock on a cheap motherboard like that, it would be harder to convince people to buy a $200+ motherboard.

I would recommend reading this article, it will help explain to you why that motherboard is a horrible choice for overclocking -