Corsair K70 Cherry Switch


Oct 1, 2013
So i ordered one of these Corsair CH-9000011-UK Vengeance K70 Performance FPS Mechanical Gaming Keyboard - Black off amazon .. thoughts on it? did i do good? originally wanted the BF4 edition Blackwidow Ultimate .. but dice store had it one day this month and now its discontinued .. so can anyone tell me what the K70 cherry switch is like

I went for the red switches and after 8months of using it I love it. Absolutely fantastic. I know people will say oh the blue or the browns better I have had friends say that but I was fortunate enough to try the blues and browns during the year and personally i love the red switches .. imo they're great

Edit: Mind you it does need a serious clean the thing is covered in dust and there's hairs trapped under the key .. might go do that now lol