Corsair link doesn't recognize my h100i

Mar 13, 2014
I've read this seems to be a problem especially with Windows 8.1 users due to the automatic power saver settings. I followed the instructions from the windows support forum ( to change the registry and after a restart it worked! I was able to see the fans and the pump in Corsair link etc etc. After shutting down and restarting, I can't see them again!

Anyone have any ideas?

Below are the components for my PC, I just put them together last night.
You checked the registry if the values are still set to zero (0)?
Of ALL the following strings -->
- AllowIdleIrpInD3 = 0
- DeviceSelectiveSuspended = 0
- EnhancedPowerManagementEnabled = 0
- SelectiveSuspendEnabled = 0
You checked the registry if the values are still set to zero (0)?
Of ALL the following strings -->
- AllowIdleIrpInD3 = 0
- DeviceSelectiveSuspended = 0
- EnhancedPowerManagementEnabled = 0
- SelectiveSuspendEnabled = 0
Ahh see, I only initially changed the value on the EnhancedPowerManagmentEnabled. I didn't want to stray from the directions on the forum. I'll go back in to the registry when I get home from work and try again. I'll let you know if that was the solution!! Thanks for the response!!

Thank you to StubbleyBeard! That seems to have worked.

Hey! I know this is a little old but I wanted to see if this would fix the problem for me too before I just got messing in my registry.

I have a h100i, and I can get it to show up in Corsair Link, but only if I unplug and replug it back into the mobo, windows makes the sound when a usb gets unplugged and then again when i put it back. So, it recognizes it.

The problem however, is the same as the OP, when I restart, Corsair Link no longer sees the h100i, and the icons don't show any values. So if I change my registry values the same way it will work?

I originally went under properties and turned off some power saving settings, which is what I had to do to even get it to register the h100i on my mobo. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!


Yes, you can try turning the following strings to 0 -->
- AllowIdleIrpInD3 = 0
- DeviceSelectiveSuspended = 0
- EnhancedPowerManagementEnabled = 0
- SelectiveSuspendEnabled = 0

If that does not work out, you can always revert it back by changing the values to 1.
However, its should work when done correctly.

Thanks so much! I will test this tonight.

You are awesome, my friend!! Thanks!

What if the driver isn't even in the USB path? I'm so lost atm. Sorry for the mega dig, this is just the only thread I've found to be most relevant to my issue.

What's exactly the problem?

Okay here's what I did. I just fixed it.

Okay so go back to here:

And start at step 7 under the workaround section.

What I did was go thru every USB thing in the list here:


All of the ones that say VID.

Went thru everyone and went all the way to the device parameters:


Until I found all of the ones that had these strings:

Of ALL the following strings -->
- AllowIdleIrpInD3 = 0
- DeviceSelectiveSuspended = 0
- EnhancedPowerManagementEnabled = 0
- SelectiveSuspendEnabled = 0

And simply just changed them all to zero for everyone like so:


Probably not the best way to do it but my computer still runs fine afterwards and Corsair Link finally recognized my H100i.

Hey! I figured out what caused my not-detecting. Logo was lit and fans were spinning and pump running. But when Windows (10) updated my sistem... it deleted driver that i installed with link. I had to reinstall Corsair Link, so that driver got installed with it, and now it works. Damn windows -.-
Hey! I figured out what caused my not-detecting. Logo was lit and fans were spinning and pump running. But when Windows (10) updated my sistem... it deleted driver that i installed with link. I had to reinstall Corsair Link, so that driver got installed with it, and now it works. Damn windows -.-