Question Corsair psu teardown, plug identification

Apr 16, 2019
Hey there :)
Just wondering if anyone knows what the highlighted white plug is for.
Mine is uhh... loose is an understatement....
You do realize that messing around inside that unit, even with it disconnected from power, can kill you if you don't know what you are doing right?
And that's not being sensational. It's a fact.

win/win for me
either fix this psu or just die
(but yes i'm aware and thank-you for being cautious for the people who might not)
Cool man. Just wanted to be sure you understood that those caps store a huge amount of power. More than enough to either kill you or seriously give you a bad hair day. LOL.

Honestly I'm not certain what that specific connector is for, but I bet if you you cruise over to and hit the forum there up there is a specific Corsair rep by the name of Jon Gerow, who was the founder of that site once upon a long time ago, or many other PSU reviewers who are members, who could tell you just offhand exactly what it is for.

It's doubtful that it's a user serviceable problem in any case though unless you are pretty astute with electronics repair and can reflow the connectors solder points if it has to be replaced or if the connection is broken. Would probably help to have a closer shot of the connector from a different angle too.
Probably repairable. If it's not something you're comfortable with or capable of, any electronics repair shop could probably tackle that but it might not be cost effective, at least, not when compared to simply replacing the unit. Fixing it yourself would be, but if that's not possible then I'd just replace it unless it's under warranty.