Corsair RM850x White PSU Review

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I've got one of these and wish I had bought a different PSU and paid for cable mods instead. The in line caps are not too big a deal (lets not forget the whole point of the colour and cables IS the aesthetics) but the way the PCIe cables are wired (in a Y config) is terrible and makes it very hard to neatly cable.

The combes are also relatively poor quality and don't clip together brilliantly especially as there are multiples wires used in a couple of pins.
Hey Aris,

Is there a possibility to retest one of those Evga Supernova G2 units, like G2 750, in terms of the new hold-up time tests?

I read your Leadex Gold 550 review, where you find out the hold up time of that unit (and maybe the whole platform) is questionable and not really safe. So that made me think that the rest of the platform and also the Evga units are plagued by the same important mistake.

I own a G2 750 and after reading that review and some forum threads, I'm a bit worried now.

Hope you can help.


Thanks for the answer Aris,

Do you think that these units are safe though? G3 850 seems fine on your tests. Are there dramatic differences between G2 750/850 and G3 850 in terms of bulk caps etc...? You have a rough estimation maybe?


I believe that the G2s are pretty good units and I would't hesitate to use them. Unfortunately I cannot estimate their hold-up time without testing them (something impossible now since they are EOL).

I looked into it before. The 650 G2 most likely has the problem where it drops the PWR_OK signal after the voltages go out of spec. The 550W should be fine. I'd assume the 750W is perfectly fine also. Not something to worry much about anyway.
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