An 8,000 Hz polling rate seems a bit excessive. Even at 1,000 Hz, your system will be reading the mouse's position roughly four times for every frame on a 240Hz display. I suppose that could mean up to 24% jitter from one frame to the next on such a high-refresh screen though, depending on whether the most recent update was immediately before the frame was rendered, or a quarter frame prior, which might make movement a little less smooth than it could be. At 2,000 Hz the maximum jitter would drop to 12%, or 6% at 4,000 Hz, and 3% at 8,000 Hz. We are only talking fractions of a millisecond though, on a frame that takes multiple milliseconds to be displayed, so I'm not convinced there would be a noticeable difference between something like 4,000 and 8,000 Hz. And that's assuming the OS is even polling the mouse at a perfect 8,000 Hz rate, which it might not be if other other things are interrupting it.
Would pluging this mouse into a dedicated USB Controller Card lessen the CPU load?
The drivers still needs to read all the data about the mouse's position, button-presses and so on each time it is polled, then possibly process that data in some way before reporting it to the OS, which will in turn store the data in other locations in memory. There are probably a lot of inefficiencies along the way, especially since the standard USB polling rate is just 125 Hz, whereas this is 64 times that. If the OS and drivers were being smart about it, this might all be getting done on a dedicated core on processors with enough cores to spare, though that's probably not happening.