Corsair Spec-02 Disk Slot?


Apr 27, 2016
So I recently got the Corsair Spec 02 case for my build. There are two slots on the top of the case, which I would assume being where you would insert disks into. Problem is, those don't exactly open up. Are they just for show or do they open up. I am pretty sure the two slots on the top open up, just I am being an idiot again. Please tell me what to do to put in disks :) (or if I just can't put in disks at all)

Hi, I have the same case as you. There should be two notches or a lever where the optical drive bays are. You want to pull on those, and it should start to come out in the front. Then, you can simply pull it off or push it out from the back (you want to pull it out from the front).

Hi, I have the same case as you. There should be two notches or a lever where the optical drive bays are. You want to pull on those, and it should start to come out in the front. Then, you can simply pull it off or push it out from the back (you want to pull it out from the front).