Hey friends,
Can some of you give me a review of Corsair VS 550 psu ??
I was trying to get Seasonic s12ii 520 , but it costs INR 2000 more and as I am on a budget, I can't afford it and then I saw the corsair one.
IMO it's worth buying the Seasonic as it's better you buy something great now as apposed to something that may go wrong and take more components with it. ust my thoughts anyway
Noooo! Be very careful of the cheaper corsair units. The Seasonic is the unit everyone would advise. Check out XFX if available as well as the EVGA 600B. You'd often find these units around the same price as the Corsair units if available.
Noooo! Be very careful of the cheaper corsair units. The Seasonic is the unit everyone would advise. Check out XFX if available as well as the EVGA 600B. You'd often find these units around the same price as the Corsair units if available.
I know. But the problem is all these XFX , EVGA etc are not available in India.
I might go for Seasonic but as I said it's INR 2000 more 🙁
IMO it's worth buying the Seasonic as it's better you buy something great now as apposed to something that may go wrong and take more components with it. ust my thoughts anyway
IMO it's worth buying the Seasonic as it's better you buy something great now as apposed to something that may go wrong and take more components with it. ust my thoughts anyway
I can't agree more on that ....
Yeah I'll go for the Seasonic s12ii 520
And there are 7 customer reviews on Amazon's UK website: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Corsair-VS550-Plus-Power-Supply/dp/B00TE4XSMA/ref=sr_1_1?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1443693289&sr=1-1&keywords=corsair+vs550