CORSAIR VS series VS650 CP-9020098-EU vsSeasonic SS-620GB 620W


Jan 6, 2017
I have to make achoice between these two...its a complicated situation...i know the seasonic is better but if buy that one i will have ti buy a cheaper keyboard...and if i buy that corsair i could get a bit more expensive keyboard...i need the board because i smashed my last will the corsair one preform the same of worse and how much worse will it perform on my pc?
my system:
i5 2500k not overclocked...thinking about ocing it...
xfx rx 470 4gb
4gb of ddr3 ram
and H61M-DGS motherboard...
i know that all of them will be able to power my system..but the question remains...can i "'risk" getting a cheaper psu and a expensive board or should i go full safe and get the seasonic...and just so you have more info on pc during the week is turned on around 4 times....and at the weekends me and my brother play the pc from 10-11 am until 2-3 i the morning....i know.....its kinda weird i know...but thats it...those were my questions and i want to thank anyone who is going to help in advance!
That Coolermaster G550m is on the same level as the Corsair VS650, that level being not good. The Coolermaster and and Corsair will have longevity issues, they aren't complete garbage so the risk of them taking out other components when they fail is small(but not unheard of). Chances are that Seasonic will last many years through a couple systems and or upgrades where you'd be be lucky to get more than 1-2 years out of the other 2 units.
The Seasonic is much better quality the VS series is not something I would even consider. You could see if you can find a Corsair CMX 550 watt for less than the Seasonic. It makes it hard to help when you don't list where you live.
Cheap unstable power from the power supply can cause a lot of issues with the PC.
That Coolermaster G550m is on the same level as the Corsair VS650, that level being not good. The Coolermaster and and Corsair will have longevity issues, they aren't complete garbage so the risk of them taking out other components when they fail is small(but not unheard of). Chances are that Seasonic will last many years through a couple systems and or upgrades where you'd be be lucky to get more than 1-2 years out of the other 2 units.