Corsair's HX PSU's still one of the best?


Aug 6, 2006
I've had nothing but Corsair as my PSU and I was going to upgrade before Windows 10 but decided to wait until Skylake. My PSU presently is 5 years old. So when I update my system, the PSU will be included in the updates this time.

I'm thinking of going ballz in this time :) I'm talking Asus ROG all the way (motherboard, monitor, and video card).

The PSU I've had my eye on is HX850i 80+platinum:

If I were to get the Asus ROG 980ti (assuming it is released) and SLI them; is this a great PSU and would meet the power needs? Possibly with 2 ASUS ROG g-sync monitors but that's reaching high lol; 1 will probably be enough.....for gaming system only.
That PSU would power them, but it would be horribly overpriced.
For much less you could get a Supernova G2
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Power Supply: EVGA 850W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($121.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $121.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-08-02 21:42 EDT-0400

For the price of the HXi you could get a 1000w P2 unit from EVGA (You dont need this unit)

Thanks. I know a while ago, when doing a SLI or crossfire; an 850w PSU was no match lol but this is good to know that 850 is enough. I might even skip over a sound card and let the ROG motherboard handle sound. I heard their SupremeFX is pretty good.

The reason why the one you picked is significantly cheaper is because it's Gold raided. The one I posted is platinum. The platinum version of the EVGA are the same price as the Corsair at this time. I hate EVGA, they burned me with a motherboard and had very fresh customer service. When I called them on their lie and attitude, they blocked me from emailing them.

Thanks. I'll check them out.