Could an HGST Deskstar NAS 4TB 3.5" drive make a very quiet click click click noise.? And is that bad?


Dec 26, 2015
I just noticed after say 5 hours running if the pc ramps down to idle, when the fans drop to circa 300rpm I can just hear a very slight underlying noise ... Its very quiet like a click, click, click. As soon as the pc does some work and the fans ramp up, it either goes away or is drowned out.

I am not sure if its a fan playing up and clicking at low revs, or the new hdd
Its hard to isolate this noise, as one has to run the pc for a long time - hours, and then undo each fan in turn, and then the hdd.

I just wondered if this was normal with a 3.5" hdd.
I have another HGST just arrive so will fit that too to compare, but wonder if this noise ( if its the HDD is acceptable) or should it be totally silent.

Note I did have a 2.5" HDD fail on me and that had a very distict CLICK CLICK NOISE . This is much quieter
NB The Deskstar NAS 4TB is 7,200 rpm.

Any advice appreciated

Thanks its got very little on it yet - it may be the fans.

Yes I Will keep it scrupulously backed up. Just in case ... Its a very slow, almost soft click , click ,click. Not the harsh click I heard when the WE drive failed.

I assume there is nothing on a MB that can click? As I did see a status code of 73 on the LED but not sure what that means.
Everything in Device manager says all is working properly. :-0
It ran all day yesterday, virtually silent!
By that I had to put my ear on the side of the case to try and hear anything, and then a sort of slight perpetual whoosh of air flowing ?? No clicks at all!