Could anyone walk me though the steps of grounding please?


Nov 7, 2013
I'm going to build my first computer in a few days, and I'm not terribly knowledgeable on the subject of grounding.

I have purchased an anti-ESD wrist strap, but have no idea how to use it. It says to attach it to a painted part of my case, however it is all either painted or plastic. 🙁

Could anyone give me some instructions on how to ground myself please?

Also, what is 'grounding your motherboard'? My friend mentioned this to me the other day and apparently it can ruin your board. What is this? How is it caused? And how can I prevent it?

Thanks a ton!

I know I'm asking for a lot here, but I really would like to get this correct so I don't waste any money.

Why did you buy an anti static wrist strap...waste. Basically all you need to do is make sure the stand offs are in place ( hold up the motherboard by raising it a little bit) and through the procedure clip the wrist strap to the inside rim of the case. You can ruin your board if the stand offs aren't in place. Also work on a place that wont build up a lot of static friction like tile or wood.
Anti static srtaps are not a waste especially in the winter with low humidity. If you install your psu and plug it in without turning it on the case will now be grounded. Look for any screw or standoff attached to the case and connect your strap there. Static can cause complete failures or damage to cmos devices that may rear up later. Better safe than sorry.
BTW I am an Electronic Tech with 30 years experience - I mount/repair chips ICs frequently - always on an anti-static mat.