[SOLVED] Could i get 45fps and above in new games with sapphire rx 560 pulse oc 4gb?


Aug 1, 2018
My System:
CPU: i3 3240 3.4ghz
RAM: 8gb 1600mhz
GPU: sapphire pulse oc 4gb
Monitor: Dell 768p

I want to play games like Red Dead Redemption 2,Battlefield V, Far cry V, COD Modern Warfare 2019, Watch dogs 2 and ETC.
I saw some youtubers benchmarking this card, but they were using 1080p monitor, so the performance is different when i've played with 768p monitor.
could i hit 60fps to most of that game? or could i even hit 45fps? I want to play this games on (MEDIUM TO HIGH SETTINGS)

Very doubtful. It's bad enough that the graphics card is fairly weak for that target FPS and settings, but some of those are extremely demanding titles AND you have a very old, very weak i3. If you had a 3770k or a much newer Gen i3, it might be possible, but you lack significant single core strength on that CPU and you definitely lack anything like enough cores or threads. You will almost certainly have to drop settings to a combination of low and medium to achieve those FPS in most of those titles.
Very doubtful. It's bad enough that the graphics card is fairly weak for that target FPS and settings, but some of those are extremely demanding titles AND you have a very old, very weak i3. If you had a 3770k or a much newer Gen i3, it might be possible, but you lack significant single core strength on that CPU and you definitely lack anything like enough cores or threads. You will almost certainly have to drop settings to a combination of low and medium to achieve those FPS in most of those titles.
That would definitely get you closer, kind of going backwards though since that's a second gen CPU and you currently have an Intel 3rd Gen CPU.

A 3rd gen i5 or i7 would be better, but that i5-2400 is definitely a better option than that i3. Only if you can get one REALLY cheap though. Otherwise, it is money that would be a lot better spent being put towards a much newer platform considering you can get into a brand new Ryzen build for around 250-300 bucks. Sometimes even less, and that would offer much better performance than anything you could do with your current platform no matter what CPU you threw at it.

PCPartPicker Part List

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 3.4 GHz 6-Core Processor ($124.99 @ Walmart)
Motherboard: ASRock B450M PRO4 Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard ($83.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 Memory ($69.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $278.96
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2020-03-06 01:46 EST-0500