So hi guys, I was just wondering if i could like add this to the motherboard i just bought, Because this CPU is coming from a Gateway SX2802-02c and like, I can't really afford a new CPU at this time, And i don't really have a computer (I'm using my friends laptop right now) So yeah i really hope that i can use this CPU it's like the only one i have (Also my Gateway SX2802-02c VGA output is like broken and i can't like display any picture and the psu isn't powerful enough for my GeFroce G210 Video Card the PSU only has 220 Watts, Which i think is horrible on Gateways part giving their buyers no room in the case to like upgrade anything anyways this PC is old, Like 6-7 years or something i got it in like 2009 so yeah it's time to upgrade.) Also would i be able to use DDR2 RAM for the ASRock Am1B-ITX Mini ITX AM1? Cause again i can't even afford 4GB of ram right now. I was honestly hoping i could with this new motherboard. Anyways thank you all for trying to help me, I'll be looking forward to your answers! Thanks so much for reading.