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Michael Cecil wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 09:35:48 +0100, ZoombyWoof
> <> wrote:
>>Ice wrote:
>>>On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 01:47:49 GMT, "Ar Q" <>
>>>>Or is it postposed?
>>>What I want to know is, How the hell do you GET 10 tokuno
>>>artifacts? I must have killed a thousand creatures in that
>>>new tokuno area, and have yet to get even one artifact.
>>Me and GF have been killing Hirous and Onis for about 5 weeks now I
>>think , and we have a total of about 120 tokuno treasures. GF gets
>>around 1 treasure on 300 arrows approximatly.
>>A lot of hours.....hope it's worth it when publish 31 comes.
> I have...4 minor artifacts. You have 120? *eyes bulge out of head*
We only hunt on the Hiryu platue or what it is called...the top Moongate
in the list and then a bit to the right from there. Only spawn there is
Hiryu, Lesser Hiryu, Oni and Elite Ninjas, and some kappas down at the
coast. We play with our Bard/Archers, and they perform extremely well
there with a dragon slayer and a demon slayer. The ninjas cant be
provoked, but usually thats no problem. Provoke the others and shoot the
ninjas. Loot is good, Money is Very good and the treasure-drop is good
too, and best of all, this area is quite empty on our shard.
Occasionally we meet 2 or 3 other players here but never more that that
so its easy to find monsters to kill. Sure, we die sometimes, the Onis
are mean to us sometimes..., but we can live with that
I have so far gotten around 40 treasures and my GF around 85 I think
since the event started. We will keep very few of them when publish 31
hits, a couple of weapon stands and urns, some of the flutes and maybe a
couple of the spellbooks, but the rest will be traded for Major treasure
I havent kept record exactly on how often we get a drop, but the last
time we played (just half an hour ago) we got on average 1 treasure on
every 300 arrow.
After this event is over, I will Never go back there I think. It feels
like I have seen every tree and grass there is to see there by now
We have tried some other areas of Tukono, but this area is absolutely
the most optimal I think. High Fame-monsters, not too dangerous and
fairly good spawnrate. I wouldnt be there with a pure fighter without
barding though...