Could my Motherboard be Fried?


Apr 29, 2016
Hello. While I was watching a video on YT, my computer suddenly shut down. Now it will not power on. At first I thought it was the power supply. I replaced the power supply with a brand new EVGA SuperNova T2, which I have tested and it definitley works.

Replacing the power supply did not solve my problem. When I push the power button on the PC, nothing happens. The light on the power button does not come on. The fans don't come on. There are no beeps. However, the green power light on the motherboard does light up when the power supply is switched on.

Is it possible that my motherboard is fried? Here are my specs:

Asus X99 Deluxe motherboard
32 GB Corsair RAM
GeForce GTX 980

I have made no upgrades or changes (other than the newly purchased power supply) to the computer in over a year.

Thanks in advance for all replies. I really appreciate your help in solving this problem.

Debbie in Tennessee