I’ve connected my Mobius usb cable to my laptop, in the same time my mouse was connected to the other USB port.
As soon as I connected the Mobius, my laptop switched off. I disconnected the Mobius, and restarted my laptop. Now all of the USB ports work without that one some my mouse was connected to.
Is that port burned?!!
Thank you for your help in advance.
Mobius cable:
Best regards
I’ve connected my Mobius usb cable to my laptop, in the same time my mouse was connected to the other USB port.
As soon as I connected the Mobius, my laptop switched off. I disconnected the Mobius, and restarted my laptop. Now all of the USB ports work without that one some my mouse was connected to.
Is that port burned?!!
Thank you for your help in advance.
Mobius cable:
Best regards