Could the problem be the Power Supply? Please help!

Sep 26, 2014
Please hear me out and share your thoughts! I really really need help!
My specs are: I7 2600k, P8Z68 Pro, 16 gb Ram, GTX 590, RAIDER PSU 750W, Win7 x64!

The power supply worked with this GPU for 7 or 8 months without problems!

My GPU started to crash with blue screens, and after last crash, I could not use the GPU anymore. It receives power at boot, but in Windows is acting as... not even generic GPU since only works at 1600x1200 and not recognized in Change resolution panel. Device manager shows GTX 590 (both GPU) but with exclamation mark!. Going to details, I have this message: "This device is not using any resources because it has a problem!"

I tried everything.. from re installing OS, drivers (it installs but after restart the driver wont start), countless times, Also moving it from middle slot to the third slot (cannot access the first PCI E slot because it blocked by cooler). I have the same result. either the monitor doesn`t receive signal, or it goes in windows with the mentioned problems. I will say that the card was going towards 99 degrees + under load, even 75+ on idle for a long time before it happened!

I live in a small city in the Philippines, there are barely computer shops here, not to mention premium repair centers. Can it be the POWER SUPPLY? I have to go through alot of struggle to find a double 8 pin PSU to test.. and it seems such a long shot since the PSU is working with a gtx 610 (a tiny card). Warranty for 590 is gone but the PSU is not even 1 year old! Also if I buy a new GPU again is a risk

Please help me guys, i need to work with my pc🙁!

I would say GPU. Since your PSU is working with other cards, the only thing that I suspect is that your GPU is dying or dead.

Have you tried updating drivers?

Use dedicated graphics till you resolve the problem.

Thanks guys, I have tried to update drivers... it installs but it is not doing anything new in device manager. it remains undetected in resolution change,
I know it might be an idiotic question, but it is possible that a PSU can be ruined in such manner that outputs only 50% or 60% of its entire wattage?

The card I am using now its a small one (only powers through PCIe)!

Over time, maybe. However, this sounds like a GPU failure, nonetheless. I would try getting a new GPU or use dedicated graphics til you can get a new GPU.

Since your GPU is only getting powered through your PCIe slot, the PSU wouldn't have any effect on it.
Thank you Jcomptech, SR-71 Blackbird! To be certain I could test the GPU. Only problem is that the store here has PSU with only one cable 8 pin for power. I wonder if 2 of those PSU may power the card! Even if it will work, I will buy a new GPU, because my electric bill decreased drastically since GTX 590 failed. Also the room temperature seems better! Too bad I payed a TON of money for a card that lasted 3 years and 1 month🙁((

You are welcome 😀

I would try putting the 590 into a different computer and see if it works, since it doesnt need direct power from the PSU. I wish you good luck getting a different card. Hopefully it will last you a while.