Could this be due to a dying Graphics Card?


Sep 5, 2015
Could this be due to a dying Graphics Card?

My PC has been freezing lately after a few hours after a HD replacement ( see this thread here:
But a couple of times when i start up my PC the top half of my screen messes up like above. It appears in blocks and keeps flickering. Could this be due to a faulty GPU? Or perhaps maybe my RAM, CPU or Hard Drive?
My Specs are in the other post i linked. Any help is appreciated
Its going to be 3 things. in order from least to most likely. #1 GPU, Possible defective. #2 Display, That could just be dead too. #3 (Least likely) bad display cable. Do you have a spare GPU or can you quickly borrow one from a friend? If that shows no fix then its most likely the display try another one or quickly take your pc to a TV or something just to try it real quick. If all else fails try a different display connector.

Also what port are you using? its possible just one port of the multiple on your GPU is dead. Try a different HDMI/DVI/VGA port
I don't have a second GPU i could test. I'll try different ports.

More screenshots of whats happening. The glitching started to tone itself down and now it's doing this:



For some reason its only glitching in those mini windows. The rest of the screen is fine. Sorry for the bad picture quality.

Just tried a DVI cable and everything was just messed up. Icons not showing and the overall display lagging. I think I need to try making sure the graphics card is inserted properly. Odd as its fine when i tried to play games.

They should be cool as ive had my case open latley to look inside. Like i said it works fine when i play games and it should be even hotter then.

EDIT: Oh and just to let you know im using HDMI, when i tried the DVI cable things were worse.
Also forgot to mention that all my icons had reset to the left hand side of my screen. It may have just been due to all the hard shutdowns ive had to do after it freezing but either way that happened.
Uninstall the drivers, use ddu and reinstall. If it happened after replacing the hdd, it could have been esd or maybe you knocked something. Or it could just be coincidence. The only other thing to do is swapping out the gpu or psu. Any friends that could let you borrow parts?

Unfortunately all my friends are console xD. It's quite odd how this only happens mostly on the desktop. I can highlight over them and they disappear and if it was my GPU wouldnt this be happening in game aswell? Because for the most part everything runs fine when im playing games.