Could this have caused my GTX 260 to die?


Jul 14, 2011
Hi Everyone,

Yesterday i received a i5 2500k, azrock z68 extreme 3 motherboard and some g.skill value series 8gb ram. I went about disassembling my computer as i have many times before without issue. Its important to mention that my friend was over at the time so i might have not of been as careful as i usually am, but still I'm by no means careless...unlike my friend. I handed him the card cause he wanted to look at it and went upstairs to use the bathroom. When i came back he was using my magnetic screwdriver as a drumstick and had a nice little drum set made up of my video card, my brand new motherboard and the heat sink for the CPU. This kid double majors in economics and business at a Ivy League college yet i swear he has the attention span of a 6yr old with ADHD.

Needless to say I'm thinking to myself "WTF are you doing!" and told him to cut that *** out before he breaks something. I tossed the computer together and long story short, it would not detect my GTX 260 and had to swap it for a ancient 9500 GT i had lying around, which was detected without issue. My onboard audio also wont work, it has horrible screeching noises that remind me of dial up. I can get into windows with the card inserted, but i have to use the on board gfx, the card will sit like its stuck booting up with the fans at 100% and windows will not detect it. Is it possible if he tapped on, lets say, the BIOS chip with the magnetized tip of the screwdriver, could that have corrupted it? I'm pretty upset that he would be so careless with stuff that took me the better part of 2 years to buy, but i don't want to outright blame him for something that could have just been a fluke.


Jul 14, 2011

I came back downstairs to see him going all keith moon on the stuff laying around my workbench which included the parts i listed. As far as the GTX 260 is concerned i jumped the gun concluding that it was dead, as it really seemed that way until i just left the computer to run for about 5 min. It installed some missing pci to pci link driver or something of that sort and then the 260 was detected. I really thought it was dead considering the 9500 GT was detected without an issue while the 260 sat at 100% fan and wasn't being detected at all. Honestly im just happy that im not out 100+ dollars and i don't have to chew my friend out anymore either.


Maybe someone should explain to your friend that electronic components, i.e. PC components are sensitive electrical devices that can be easily damaged by staic electricity and rough handling, let alone being used for a drum set?

Common sense ain't so common anymore... :(

Glad the drivers or whatever installed and your Vid card is OK.