Couldn't reassemble power button ribbon cable

Feb 6, 2019
I recently took apart my HP laptop to clean four years of dust from around the fan, but putting the laptop back together again I noticed that I could not reconnect the power button to the main board because the ribbon cable was too short. It was running from the power button, *above* the metal plate for the keyboard and then back underneath through a small hole to access the main board.

The only way I could reconnect it was by threading it *under* the keyboard plate, so that it ran between this and the sponge that sits between the fan and the air exhaust. I don't think the ribbon wire is at risk of connecting with any of the fans moving parts, but I wondered if there was a reason for it running above the keyboard plate; if perhaps the wire overheating was a problem or else?

I took two pictures before closing the laptop up again if it would help to see what I'm describing:
Just make sure you've reassembled the keyboard in the same order you disassembled it(only in reverse). You will be golden. Try and reassemble the ribbon cable as you saw it when disassembling the laptop.

FYI, yes you can reconnect it, after looking the pics, you just need a pair of tweezers.

Moved thread from Components to Laptop General Discussion.

I had a pair of tweezers - but once I'd got the ribbon cable in place there wasn't enough give for me to get in and clamp the cable without dislodging it. Maybe with two pairs of tweezers and couple of hours I might have got it in place, but I didn't have the second set or the patience :)

Thank you for your response - the keyboard, power button and track pad are all working normally. The laptop doesn't get moved around at all so hopefully there won't be any future problems arising from it being there.