Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Game Freezes, But It Doesn't...

Snipars Blade

Aug 17, 2015
I might not be explaining this right
Please ask questions

My computer runs every game really well and it has been until I installed Windows 10 Pro. Since NVIDIA released new updates, everything smoothed itself out except for one game. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive runs really well FPS wise but there is a strange problem. Not internet since ping ranges from 20-40 with 60-70mbps.

The game would just stop working
[Entities freeze and everything stops on my end, no voice chat, no audio, nothing moves]
Game doesn't crash since there is no "csgo is not responding" message and on task manager it doesn't show.
It is like time suddenly stopped for me and then suddenly goes back to being a live feed after a little bit.

It happens no matter how my settings are.
[Although not as long with lower settings]
If the settings are on:
- Low: Freezes for 2 seconds
- Medium: Freezes for 4 seconds
- High: Up to 10 seconds
- Maxed: Up to 10 seconds

GPU - GTX-960 but it is completely fine with more GPU intensive games [Fallout 4 (ultra), Skyrim (ultra)]
RAM - Usually goes nothing over 80% [G.Skill RipJaws X Series 8GB DDR3-2133]
Power problem?
Too High Screen Resolution?

PC Build:
Intel i7-4790k 4.0 GHz
G.Skill RipJaws X Series 8GB DDR3-2133
EVGA GeForce GTX 960 2GB Super SC ACX 2.0+
Corsair CX 750W Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply
Try the latest graphics driver first. It doesn't sound like your game is supported by the current driver. Another good source (for driver issues) of info is the Nvidia forum. It will allow you to report the issue to Nvidia.

You may need to wait for the next driver update.

I have downloaded the latest drivers and nobody else is having the same problems as me
Try this too, I have to do this since the big update.
Go to control panel->power options->make sure it's on high performance
See if you have the same issues.
CS wasn't making my CPU ramp up so my frames would get messed up and freeze randomly but only probably a moment or two.
If your fans dont even come on just check your CPU and GPU temperature while freezing to make sure its not overheating. (CS might not be triggering your fans for some reason? worth a check)

My friend told me that I did and it helped it a little bit, it was worse before.
Yeah you're not alone. I know other people are having issues since the update. I have to change those settings every time of my PC won't ramp up the clock speed. If you had turbo boost on you were probably getting that benefit as well prior to the update and that may be why it's not fully fixing it.