Couple of Questions!!!


May 23, 2001
I'm just about to build my new system but I have a couple of questions about win2000. It seems a lot of people have had some problems w/ win2000 and their systems, and I was wondering if anyone could tell me if any of my specs may cause some problems...

Mobo: Asus A7M266
CPU: Tbird 1.2 266
HDD: IBM 60gxp 40gb
MEM: Micron 256mb ddr
VC: GF Ultra
SC: Philips AE

I'll also have a dvd rom and hopefully soon a cd-rw. Does anyone have a system similar to this w/ win2000 and if so have you had any problems with the installation or running of it?

Also, can anyone tell me the pros and cons of win2000 OEM?

Well, the first step is to make sure you're kosher with the HCL. See <A HREF="http:// " target="_new">http:// </A>

"Let's take the warning labels off everything and let natural selection clean the gene pool!"
Yeah, one "http://". For some reason the url tag added a second one.

"Let's take the warning labels off everything and let natural selection clean the gene pool!"
I hope you have a big enough power supply for the extra stuff you were planning to get. Maybe 400W to be safe...(?)

Anyways, I haven't had any trouble with my system. I installed Win2K, VIA 4-in-1 drivers v4.31, Graphics Card drivers, Win2K Service Pack 2. Now, everything is dandy. Stable, quick, responsive...

As to your system, you'll have some quality parts, so I'm sure you won't have any problems. Perhaps get another stick of RAM cuz it's so cheap right now? I don't know though. It depends if you do any graphics work or something. But maybe you should if you were thinking of getting Windows XP...since it's a RAM hog...

<b>My System Specs</b>:
Asus A7V133
Athlon T-Bird 850 (B)
Micron 256MB SDRAM PC133
SB Live! Value

Question: Is the IBM 60GXP better than the 75GXP? Just curious, that's all.

Hope this helps!
My atx case came with a 320W power supply but I've been wondering if that's enough. I'll soon see I guess.

I've heard the 60gxp is faster and quieter than the 75gxp, and I've also heard that the 75gxp crashes a lot. I think that's why they're back ordered in most online computer shops. The 75gxp is suppose to be great when people aren't having problems with them, so if you're not having any problems with yours I wouldn't imagine the differences between the two are that big.