Cox Communications said I need a new modem, Do I? or are they lying?

It's not top of the line but it's a DOCSIS 3.0 and it's listed on their page as compatible with their Ultimate package. So unless your package is Gigablast, and assuming the modem isn't faulty, it should be enough for your connection. Given what I went through with Cox, I'd be curious if they're doing something in your area and just not reporting it to you. I've had their CSRs give me widely contradictory info about that stuff in the past. Document what you'e going through and ask their tech support people what to look for to determine fault, and then document that. Most of the time the techs are nice people and will work with you on finding out what the issue. But if you can find a consistent point of failure, it makes it easier for...
It's not top of the line but it's a DOCSIS 3.0 and it's listed on their page as compatible with their Ultimate package. So unless your package is Gigablast, and assuming the modem isn't faulty, it should be enough for your connection. Given what I went through with Cox, I'd be curious if they're doing something in your area and just not reporting it to you. I've had their CSRs give me widely contradictory info about that stuff in the past. Document what you'e going through and ask their tech support people what to look for to determine fault, and then document that. Most of the time the techs are nice people and will work with you on finding out what the issue. But if you can find a consistent point of failure, it makes it easier for their people to fix or suggest to you what you need to fix/buy with accuracy.

If you have a service plan with them, have them come out and fully check your infrastructure from drop point to router. If you don't have their plan, enroll (you have to have it for 3 months) and they make them work for their $10 and find any and all faults in your network. I ended up having them essentially re-cable my entire place for all of $30.
see if it your modem or isp swap dns server to gogle dns server.
see if anything changes.
on your home make sure any splitter and cable are tight. on your modem make sure it has the newest isp boot file on it.
See if you can check your bandwidth usage. congestion can cause that.

If you don't have any monitor then try connecting straight to modem and checking resource monitor. If you are getting high latency while using no bandwidth it's an issue for sure.

A device on your side could be the issue. so testing with the least variables and then adding more back can find it.
Lying? most likely, but unfairly, as the lawyer says, the burden of proof is on you.

Yeah, check it yourself, "running terrible" doesn't cut it, run some diagnostics, go into the modem and look for errors. Congestion and maxing out will do it and that's you.