CPU 99° Degrees Celcius just by doing normal tasks


Aug 4, 2016
I have a gaming PC running windows 7 with a Intel Core i7-4790K Processor, a MSI GeForce GTX 960 Gaming 2GB, 16GB DDR3 RAM, H55 hydro series CPU cooler, two 125 GB Corsair SSD's, one Wester Digital Caviar Green 1TB, one Wester Digital Caviar Green 2 TB and a Corsair HX 1000W PSU.
Suddenly one day the pc started running really slow and it used 84% of the CPU running Windows ONLY (I checked if there were any backround programs running, there were not). I checked my specs on the "Computer" tab. It said that I had no GPU, even though I had. I tried restarting many times and the same happened. So I tried installing Windows 10 in hope that it would solve my problems. It didn't. It has finished installing windows 10, but when I turn on my computer it says "Welcome to windows 10, is this you?" I select my user and click on "Next", after that, the computer crashes and restarts. I have checked the BIOS menu and it says my CPU is 99° degrees celcius. I have tried booting from the different SSD's, nothing works. The computer crashes in the Windows 10 setup.

If anyone can offer any help it would help me alot! :)

Any tips on diagnosing the pump? (I have no clue)
BTW the water cooling system is not re-fillable. :/ It comes pre-filled and its not supposed to be re-filled.
Have you checked to be sure there are no holes in the lines? My computer came with one of the cooling lines resting on the side fan case. Over time the vibration worked a hole in the line with the coolant spraying all over the inside. Fortunately nothing was damaged other than the cooling system.
Can you feel the water moving through the cooling lines? Do you hear the pump working? 9 times out of 10 when the CPU heats up like that it's because the pump in those all in one liquid coolers dies.
There are no holes, and the water is moving in the tubes. I can hear the pump, it sounds a bit wierd, it sounds like there are alot of air bubbles in the tubes. But it is moving at least.