CPU advice for budget build, other info is of course welcome


Aug 11, 2015
Hi guys, this is probably my fourth or fifth thread about my new gaming pc build idea, because I keep earning more money :)
This build is for the moment on a budget of about £320, but I don't need a case, because my school was throwing out 15 old pieces of junk, so I refurbished 1 and use it in school during study break to learn python or play some light games. Anyway, I am planning totry my hand at modding with another pc enthusiast. We are going to be redrilling a lot of holes, cutting in some vents for fans and adding gromlets that we will line with rubber, his dad also owns a business that carries spray paint, so we will be repainting as well. Anyway, back to the topic at hand: my current home computer (a HP HDX 16 premium series laptop) is now very out of date, it can only run robocraft at the lowest settings at 1080p, and I hate playing at less. I am also a youtuber, so I can't even record my gameplay anymore, even after a whole 6 hours of turning down settings and running various tests. I therefore conclude that I need a better cpu. My original build idea was based around the pentium g3258 overclocked, but now I think it might be better to go for a 4 core AMD version, maybe the cip that is based on the a10 7870k, without the iGPU? Anyway, I want to be able to overclock and I only want 1080p gaming, for now and the next few years, then I plan to go 4k, when I get a better job (I only work a little as I am a student). Anyway, please tell me what you think.
4 cores allow you to play about all the games out there al tho the pent g3258 is a fine dual cpu and overclocks like a mad hat its only 2 cores and some games are moving away from that. So given what you plan on playing on your build if its older gen games not requiring 4 cores then the g3258 is a good pick but.... If you are going to play the latest and greatest 4 cores is really a must and a good gpu .. But both chips have a igp in them but the a 10 is better because its gpu is stronger then the intels g3258. Hope this helps good luck on your build....
I have already done some research into the pentium and i know it can reach 4.2 on any chip with the stock cooler, but at my budget the bottleneck will much more likely be in the GPU rather than the CPU. At the moment my core 2 duo if fine for most of the games I play, but recording uses so much cpu now that it can't handle both at the same time. So yeah... the pentium is a beast, but will it add anything whatsoever in games over the x860 for example? Remember I will probably be running a gtx 950 or the AMD equivalent, so the cpu has to run the game, the recording software and skype at the same time. I'm not sure how well the pentium would do in that scenario, when compared with an AMD processor. Since I will be running a discrete gpu above the level of what can be run on dual graphics, I think that I don't need an a10, but the athlon equivalent (the same identical processor without the iGPU) would be better, and the money saved could go to a better graphics card. Anyway, tell me what you think, and thanks for the help
The pent will be a big increase over your core duo but the igp is lacking for games compared to the a 10 the a 10 has 4 cores and a gpu that is better then the g3258 if it where me I would get the a 10 that way you can sort of future proof on games and your recording... now if the g 3258 had hyper threading I would say jump on it but it dont... Btw I do own a g3258 and while playing with it i hit 4.5 ghz but being only a 2 core it wouldnt run far cry 4 at all the game requires 4 cores theres a hack for it tho... But my setup on that was 8 gig ram 1866 g3258 nvidia 660gtx and a 240 ocz ssd burner ect.
Also, just to clarify: I don't need an iGPU, I will be running either a gtx 950 evga SSC edition or an AMD equivalent, but probably the gtx. Quick side question, can NVidia cards run with AMD CPUs? Noob question but I'm not really sure.
Also, a friend of mine might be upgrading his gtx 770, so I could maybe get that off of him for a great price.