CPU AIO cooler broken?


Aug 12, 2015

Since last week i have this strange noise in my PC. I Think it comes from my AIO pump. I tried disconecting all my fans one by one and the sound stays. I dont have a HDD only SSD's so thats not it either. It gets less noisy when it is warmed up. My gut says the pump is cavitating. I have checked for leakes and i could not find any. Does the pump/radiator mount placement affect anything? It might also be the pumps bearings but i dont know how to check thoose.

Do you guys have any ideas?

Made 2 clips so you can hear it your selfs. 1 @ cold boot and 1 after +- 15 of CPU burning.
Here are the links
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t5Gyfdh3KY Cold boot.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBc2oQLkNz8 'Warmed' up.
Is it still under Warranty?

All I know is it can be Air Bubbles inside the Pump itself, now if it was in the Rad it would be all good but inside the Pump is bad. I would RMA it if its still under warranty and if not I would try to replace it or go with a Air Cooler if you like them.. Other than that im not exactly sure since im not personally there to test it myself.

Not sure what u mean. Do you want me to rotate the pump block? seems a bit odd as the letters are turned too, is a way you can't read them properly. I will do it after Christmas and see it helps. I'll get back to you!

Enjoy your holidays



Sorry for the delay, but now i had time to try it out. Unfortunaly it didn't work. I was checking ohter sites/YouTube to see how they remove air from AIO pump. They seem to rotate/shake with it. I have tried it while it was still mounted and shaking my whole case, but i had no luck with that . I will dismount it later in the week and shake it then, like they suggested in the first place. I realy hope that it works.
FYI its the Be quiet silent loop 280mm rad. (just not very quiet ATM)

I will get beck to you later in the week. If u have some extra tips, please do reply.
What I would do is go into the software to lower the pump's working level and see if the noise dampens when you lower the speed it works at. If the noise lowers than I would RMA it if you are still under warranty, if not then im not to sure since that sounds a lot like a pump failure to me.

hmmm. the pump is supossed to be static rpm at 2200 i think.. so i dont know if that is an OK thing to do. ill give it a try anyway, as long as it is for a short while I do t think it will harm it. Is it oke to use my bios fan settings for it? as I don't have any software for it installed at this time.

Doesnt this give me a false result? as lower rpms gives less sturr in the bubbles and thus less noise? OR less rpms is less strain on bearings. im not realy convinced what conclusion I get out if this.

I would use software provided with the cooler.

Well with the results I did it with a Corsair H80i V2 when it had a similar sound to that and it had same noise to it both ways.. (I think I may have said it a bit off on my above post since I think I said it should be less loud but for me it was actually very similar on both settings).

I do know that AIO coolers should have a Performance mode and a Quiet mode but im not to sure about yours since I am familiar with Corsair.
Oke. So I removed my radiator + pump. sounds like there is alot of air in the system. Is this normal? I did not find any leaks or leaking residue. I made a clip so you can hear the sound it makes when rotating the radiator. https://youtu.be/CAmR53-etX4

Now im gonna power it connected to an old pc and see how it sounds when I get the air at the top of the radiator.. Will make a video from the results.
Oke. Here its turned on in my old pc. It seems to still hold alot of air. Which is logical since I just moved the air arround. And it sounds alot louder at idle then I remember, but that could also be my pc case to hold some of the noise. Now I'm not sure what my next step should be. I don't know what conclusion to draw from all this testing. Is it bearings or is it air? or a combo? Becuase the noise did get alot less.

here is link 5. https://youtu.be/2fKgDm0Z7Zg
Is it still under Warranty?

All I know is it can be Air Bubbles inside the Pump itself, now if it was in the Rad it would be all good but inside the Pump is bad. I would RMA it if its still under warranty and if not I would try to replace it or go with a Air Cooler if you like them.. Other than that im not exactly sure since im not personally there to test it myself.

I will contact the customer support and see what they think then and see if i can get it replaced. I think I have the cooler for half a year. So i should get a new one?

Thank u for the help in testing. I will pick u as the best awnser so the topic can close.

Have a good new years eve!

Yeah AIO coolers usually have about 2-5 years so you are fine (Warranty)!

Thanks and happy new years to you to!