Recently, my cpu fan crapped out. I use an asetek 510lc, and I decided to replace it. After ordering an SP120 high preformance fan and setting it up, I noticed my temps were shitty. My old fan was some crappy kexiang hardware fan, but it never went over 1400. Now this fan claims to go up to speeds of 2650 but it never goes above 1400 as well. Usually, my i5 4690 stays at about 38-42 idle, and when playing games like bf1 caps at 56. Now with this fan, it also caps at 56, but it jumps from 32-56 all the time, usually the most common numbers being the low 40s. Im a pc building noob so I was kinda worried. Now my fan is a 4 pin pwm, but I cant control it with speedfan, and I cant control it in the BIOS as well. I have my liquid cooling pump plugged into cpu fan 2 and my main fan into cpu fan 1. Should I be worried and how to fix pls.