CPU and GPU both not getting full usage while gaming

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Oct 9, 2017
My cpu and gpu are both not under full load while I am playing games. For example, when I am playing overwatch at low setting on 1080p, I only get average of 145 fps sometimes dipping below 100fps. My cpu never go over 70%, while my gpu never go over 50% usage. I have disabled the frame cap inside the game, and I have completely reinstall windows 10 and Nvidia driver of course for several times, but this problem is still not solved. It is not only happening to overwatch, the CPU and GPU doesn't get 100% usage in other games, too. Does anyone have any idea?

PC: HP Envy 700-411
CPU: i7-6700
GPU: gtx 1070
Motherboard: HP 828A

Those are good scores, I mean pretty good scores.
No, I do not think either of of CPU or GPU is bottlenecking each other. For those games even at highest settings, your CPU and GPU wont be utilized as your components are fairy higher than what these games use. The frame rate drop you get is typical in multiplayer games, when there are lots of elements to be rendered simultaneously. No worries, pal. :)
That's quite a good configuration you got there and Overwatch, IMO is not one of those games which will fully tax your CPU/GPU, at any setting. Why not try running synthetic benchmark like 3D mark and Furmark?
They tax the GPU/CPU to full 100% and also gets you scores which are good indicators of System performance.

I tried 3D Mark benchmarks, they tend to do GPU and CPU stress separately, and my result looks fine. When I am playing games, I feel like the CPU is bottlenecking, but the CPU usage is really not high and an i7 shouldn't make the game really crapy right?

Those are good scores, I mean pretty good scores.
No, I do not think either of of CPU or GPU is bottlenecking each other. For those games even at highest settings, your CPU and GPU wont be utilized as your components are fairy higher than what these games use. The frame rate drop you get is typical in multiplayer games, when there are lots of elements to be rendered simultaneously. No worries, pal. :)
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