CPU and GPU Usage not Maxed

The Hero of Orlais

Jun 26, 2017
My FPS sometime will touch 35fps with only 40-50% CPU and GPU usage, is it my CPU bottlenecking ? or something else ?

My Specs is :
MSI B350 Tomahawk MOBO
Ryzen 5 1600 (Overclock a bit)
GTX 1080
8x2 DDR4 Ram
650w PSU

I don't think it was my PSU, i changed it from 1000w and i don't notice performance different , thanks for helping
What games? What are the CPU and GPU temps? We need details to answer your questions.

I mostly play TF2. When I'm playing that game my CPU and GPU loads are 25-40%. It won't get higher because the game can't cause a bigger load. With a use of ~33%, I'm still getting above 100+FPS. When I play other games the loads go up so the game you are testing with does matter.

Fallout 4, i ask another community, and most of them saying it's the game's vault(ba dum tss ?),the gpu and cpu temp is pretty high i guess, gpu temp is about 75-80C and cpu temp is about 60-70C, OC both of them

CPUs will throttle down to 60-70 depending on the CPU. So you might have a heat issue there. GPUs tend to handle 90-105C ok as their max so I'm less concerned there. You said you had an OC on the CPU, try removing it and make sure the temps go down. Does the frame rate go up? If so you had a temp issue for sure and it was slowing you down.
i doubt my cpu is throttling, the cpu temp where it start to thorttle is at 95C, and under stress test, my cpu temp is maxed at 78C

Are you playing with the higher rez textures pack?
Also, are you running it from an HDD or SSD? If it's an HDD it might be due to disk being accessed...

Does the fps drop happen when it's time for the game to "switch" from day to night maybe?

nope, standard resolution, and it only happen in high density area, which people say it was pretty normal