cpu and gpu usage


Jul 3, 2017
my "rig" is
q6600 @2.9 GHz
R9 270x
480 GB storage
i saw this video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erENuwIaO6I (setting can be seen at 5:20)
just cause 3 on q6600 i have the same specs (except graphics crad which both of damn preform similar) but in his video its clearly the cpu usage is above 70 almost all the time and gpu is above 40
in my pc both cpu and gpu usage is always under 30, can someone help me slove this problem
also this issue accures in almost every game in my pc

fps is pretty low compare to his, abiut 10 to 15 diffrent, fps wont go above 13,
about malware scan- i have anti virus ESET and i check for virus every day,
cpu temprature 60 -70
drivers are updated

cpu temp is when idle? even for onload is high http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/244184-29-what-acceptable-temps-q6600-load

if i reset the speed of my cpu back o 2.4 GHz the game should play smoother?